Mailroom empowers teams to recognize, retain and promote top talent so employees and companies always do their best work together.

Nearly one in seven young workers quit their jobs in 2019 because there wasn’t an opportunity to advance with their employer.

The global economy has become more competitive.

Companies that get ahead are the ones that attract the best talent and hold onto it. But doing that is getting increasingly difficult. New generations entering the workforce want reciprocal relationships and customized opportunities to grow within companies. When that’s missing, it drives workers away from their jobs and into the arms of competitors. For employers, the cost of turnover is steep. On average, most employees leave a job after 18 months, and it takes more than $15,000 to replace them. When that person leaves, they also take all the time and effort a company invested into them and put it to work for someone else. That’s a sunk cost we want to help companies save in the future.


That’s how we came up with Mailroom.

The best way to keep top talent engaged at your workplace is to give them meaningful opportunities to grow and advance their career inside your company. Mailroom helps companies do that by connecting existing employees to internal opportunities that match their skills, merit and experience.

Our platform blindly pushes top quality candidates toward hiring managers.

We ensure employees have a chance to grow before they get anxious to leave. This process not only makes sure every employee is seen in your company for the exceptional skills they contribute, but it also effectively undermines the typical selection biases inherent in promotions that disproportionately affect women and people of color across all industries.

Without meaningful growth opportunities, 43% of millennials are planning to leave their jobs in the next two years.